Aromatherapy Roller - My Motivation
Aromatherapy Roller - My Motivation
The herbal components (the extract for the stems, leaves and root) create true Aromatherapy. As you take it in whether through your skin (topicals) or nose (aromatic) these are what affects your experience.
Topically: Roll on the inside of your wrist, behind the ears or/ and on the bottom of feet (Vita Flex Feet)
The Motivation Blend is their to enhance a Confident, energetic, creative: things you needs to stay and feel motivated.
Essential Oil Blend:
Frankincense: Grounding and calming oil has exceptional anti-inflammatory powers.
Sweet Orange: Known for energy and enthusiasm, It helps to channel your physical and mental energy,
Black Pepper: The cris, peppery, spicy aroma can ankle sluggishness of both the body and the brain. The warming oil enhances circulatory health by increasing blood flow to the treated area and by promoting rapid removal of accumulated fluids an toxins.
Lime: Routinely used for energizing. It assists in is ability to cleanse, purify and new the spirit and the mind. It s also said to be effective in cleansing he aura. t can motivate without impeding sleep. Also has the ability to clear your head of negativity.
Size: 10ml